Our Services

Copywriting & Editing

We specialize in crafting polished, reader-friendly content. From résumés and college applications to web copy, product pages, impact reports and more, we’ll develop and enhance your written materials with a focus on clarity and accuracy.

  • We primarily offer English writing and copyediting services. Chinese is available upon request.

    Contact us for help writing or editing your…

    • Website

    • Social media posts

    • Reports

    • Marketing materials

    • Application materials (university, job, scholarship, certification, etc)

    • Academic essays

    • Résumé

    • Product descriptions

    • Blog posts

    • User manuals

    …and more!

  • Copywriting

    1. Contact us and tell us what you’re looking for

    2. We’ll evaluate the scope and timeline of the project and quote you a price

    3. After receiving a 50% deposit, we get to work on the first draft

    4. We’ll send you the first and second drafts to review and make changes based on your feedback

    5. After the third and final round of revisions, we’ll collect the remaining fee and send you the final product

    Copyediting & proofreading

    1. Send us the work you need edited (or a sample of it) and explain what you want the final product to be

    2. We’ll do a test edit and quote you a price

    3. After receiving a 50% deposit, we’ll get started on the editing

    4. We’ll send you the edited document for review and make changes based on your feedback

    5. After completing all revisions, we’ll collect the remaining fee and send you the finished product

  • Copywriting

    Copywriting rates vary depending on the size of the deliverable, the amount of original research required, and the urgency of the deadline. Please contact us to tell us about your project and get a quote.

    Copyediting: Improve overall writing quality by editing for clarity, logic, tone, grammar, word choice, and style

    • RMB 600 per 1000 words (includes 1 revision)

    Developmental editing: We’ll work with you to make a piece of writing more effective by evaluating content and identifying gaps to fill; evaluating flow and rearranging content for clarity and logic; adding or revising transitions; and copyediting to improve overall writing quality

    • RMB 1000 per 1000 words (includes 3 revisions)

    *Minimum order of 1000 words. Orders less than than the minimum will be charged as 1000 words.

Translation & Interpretation

We offer professional Chinese-English and English-Chinese written translation services, as well as oral interpretation services for meetings in Chinese, English, and German.

  • Translation services

    We can translate, localize, and transcreate all types of content, including but not limited to:

    • Marketing materials

    • Website content

    • Product specifications

    • User manuals

    • Annual reports

    • Application materials (university, job, certification, award, etc)

    • Contracts

    Interpretation services

    Chinese-English and Chinese-German interpretation services for various types of business communication, including but not limited to:

    • Meetings, trade shows, and conferences

    • Site visits and inspections

    • Tours

  • Written translations

    1. You send us the documents and explain any special requirements

    2. We’ll review the documents to evaluate the level of technical difficulty and provide a quote and expected completion time

    3. After receiving a 50% deposit, we begin work on the translation

    4. We deliver the finished product and collect the remaining fee

    5. You review the translation and request any revisions within 1 week


    1. You send us an email explaining the type, location, and duration of the meeting you need interpreted, and we’ll send you a quote

    2. If necessary, we will schedule an online meeting to discuss details and logistics

    3. At least 2 days prior to the meeting, you pay a 50% deposit and send us any documents we can review to assist in the interpretation

    4. After completing the interpretation, we invoice you for the remaining fee and expense reimbursements

  • Written translation

    • Basic translation*: RMB 600 per 1000 words/characters

    • Technical translation*: RMB 800-1000 per 1000 words/characters

    • Transcreation*: RMB 800-1000 per 1000 words/characters

    *”Basic” means the source text is written simply and has few proper nouns and technical terms to check. “Technical” means the source text is complex and/or requires a lot of factchecking. “Transcreation” means writing a localized version from scratch using the source text as a foundation.


    All prices include time spent reviewing materials prior to the meeting.

    • Half day: RMB 2000 plus expenses

    • Full day: RMB 3000 plus expenses

    • Online meeting: RMB 600 per hour

Business Development

From initial research to contract signing, we’ll help you evaluate, pitch, and negotiate cross-border partnerships that let you grow your business with confidence.

  • To develop channels and partnerships in China that will grow your business, we will:

    • Consult with you to define the value proposition, goals, and strategy for your China business development project

    • Build a contact list based on your goals (manufacturers, service providers, marketing channels, etc)

    • Research and vet all contacts based on your criteria

    • Build a Chinese pitch deck that clearly communicates your value proposition to your target audience

    • Reach out to vetted contacts and conduct discovery calls

    • Facilitate the evaluation and negotiation process

    • Conduct site visits and product inspections (if necessary)

    • Engage legal team to assist with contract drafting and translation

    • Assist with ongoing communications as required

  • Phase 1 · Strategize (~1 week)

    • Consultation meeting

    • Project roadmap

    Phase 2 · Prepare (2-4 weeks)

    • Research partnership candidates

    • Prepare pitch deck

    Phase 3 · Execute (2-4 weeks)

    • Contact & evaluate candidates

    • Candidate short list

    Phase 4 · Finalize (1-2 weeks)

    • Negotiate terms

    • Draft & sign contracts

  • Business development projects are priced according to scope—the number of contacts needed and the amount of work required to research, contact, evaluate, and establish partnerships with them. The starting rate is RMB 20,000 per project plus expenses.

Consulting & project management

We can help you strategize and plan cross-border marketing or purchasing projects. We can also recruit team members and manage project execution.

  • Consulting

    • Business development strategy: Advice and on-the-ground research to guide your business development planning, from finding suppliers, distributors, and buyers to risk analysis and suggested strategies

    • Content creation: Expert advice on how to optimize different types of content (website, app, event, application materials, etc) for your target audience

    Project management

    • Business development projects: Planning and execution of a business development project, from strategy and planning to research, meetings, site visits, inspections, quality control, contract negotiation, and more.

    • Content creation projects: Planning and execution of a content asset—website, information document, application package, report, etc

    • Events: Planning and execution of different types of events (or event components) in China or online—PR events, festivals, conferences, teambuildings, delegations, etc.

  • Consulting

    1. Contact us through the contact form

    2. We’ll book a consultation call to clarify your needs and determine whether or not we’re a good fit

    3. We’ll create a detailed research and advisory plan based on the strategic questions you seek to answer and send it to you along with a price quote

    4. Upon receiving payment, we’ll conduct research and advisory meetings as agreed in the plan

    5. Upon competing all research and advisory meetings as per the consulting agreement, we’ll prepare a final summary statement with suggested action plans and links to supporting materials and resources

    Project management

    1. Contact us through the contact form

    2. We’ll book a consultation call to clarify your needs and determine whether or not we’re a good fit

    3. We’ll calculate the amount of work and time involved and send you a quote and draft execution plan

    4. After agreeing on a price and general plan, we’ll sign a contract and receive a retainer fee

    5. After receiving the retainer fee, we’ll initiate the project with a detailed plan and a project kick-off meeting

    6. After we confirm the project plan, we’ll begin implementation according to the plan, invoicing according to the milestones and payment schedule set in the plan

    7. Upon completion, we’ll perform a project wrap-up to determine areas for improvement, areas for follow-up, and post-project strategy and invoice for the remaining balance of the agreed-upon project fee

  • Consulting and project management fees are calculated on a monthly or per-project basis depending on the overall scope and weekly workload. Please get in touch with details about your project for a custom quote.

Previous Projects


We accept payment via PayPal, Alipay, WeChat Pay, and bank transfer. International transfers may incur service fees. Please contact us if you have any questions about payment.